Monday, January 24, 2011

Ugly Sweater Contest

I just discovered a post on my interior design program's blog about our Christmas social from last semester. Here's the story behind our winning garment:

It was nearing the end of the semester and the Interior Design Christmas social was coming up. Some of my friends and I decided that we would come up with a spectacular design to blow away the competition for the ugly sweater contest. We spent an entire Saturday cutting, gluing, and hand sewing this massive, three person sweater. It was hot and itchy, but totally worth it because we won! As a prize, we were presented with a singing wreath.


Unknown said...

that was (and i'm sure will always be) THE most terrifyingly awesome christmas sweater i have ever experienced...and yes, it was an experience!

Jake said...

Since when does the BYUI honor code permit three person sweaters! Sounds risque to me, Lexi. Those are lovely poinsettia leaves though.

Unknown said...

I hand-glued each poinsettia on that icky night gown. Just don't tell your uncle...