Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lonny Magazine

The new issue of Lonny is out now!  For those of you who don't know, Lonny is free online magazine with gorgeous pictures and inspiring interiors.  What's more, I know the designer who is on the cover!  Anna Burke was one of the designers at Kemble Interiors where I interned this past summer.  As in last year almost.  Can you believe all of my New York adventures happened almost a year ago?  Time flies!

Anyway, you could definitely check it out here.  They also feature a blogger I enjoy following.  And here's a nice song to listen to while you flip (or click?) through the magazine.

I'm obviously not busy enough if I'm posting on my blog while finals are going on... Oh well.  That's senior-itis for you.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Hunger Games

Guys, the Hunger Games movie comes out tomorrow.  Tomorrow!!!! Due to my excitement, I've been listening to this song constantly:


Friday, March 16, 2012


While I was looking up a word on my handy-dandy Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, I found this AWESOME link about colors.  Vermillion, cattleya, smalt...who knew?!

Just today I learned about peridot...

The stone:

 The kitchen:

This post is undeniable proof that I'm an interior design nerd.