Sometimes these events just happen; you can't plan for them. Just a few days later from the previously mentioned car-booting incident, I was innocently playing (indoor) tennis with my friends. I went to return an awkward shot and twisted my knee. Maybe I heard a pop, maybe I didn't. I don't remember. My friends carried me out of the gym and drove me home. On a Monday holiday, you don't expect to be sitting on a couch with an ice pack on your knee, asking your roommate to buy you a knee brace.
After taking lots of Ibuprofen, renting crutches, visiting the student health center, and getting an MRI, I can sort of walk on it (without pain!) and I found out that my ACL is torn. Hurray. Not what I was hoping for or expecting. At all. I mean people who get injured like this are actually athletic! They play sports and stuff. This doesn't happen to people like me who work out moderately and occasionally play tennis or swim. But unexpected (and unfortunate) events happen in life to everyone. Even me.
So here's my knee:
If you can't tell, it's the one on the right. The bigger, swollen one. It looks especially good after I take my knee brace off after wearing it all day.
I have to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been helping me so much: Anna, Matt, Lizzie, Emily, Po Jo, Valene, McCall, Amy Jo, Kimberly, NaDene, Sister Harris... The list goes on and on to all of my family, friends, roommates, teachers, and classmates who have helped or just asked how I was doing.
T H A N K Y O U.
I didn't realize how hard it was to ask for help. So if my face looked a little funny as I was forcing out my request, I apologize. I'm just being humbled I guess.
Alexis! Oh no! I can't believe you tore your ACL! I'm so sorry that happened! I hope you have a speedy recovery! When are you going to have surgery?
OH NO. I'm so sorry to hear it! This is why I stay away from sports and really just exercise of any kind. I hope you get well soon!
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