Sleeping in today was glorious. I didn't think I could but it happened. My roommate and I went for a walk in Central Park. Then we got ready and met up with another friend to go to the MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art)! Modern art is, well, interesting. I liked this piece that had different colored paint brushes frozen in plexiglass.

There was this famous piece that was pretty cool. You might have heard of it: Waterlilies by Monet. :)

I saw my most favorite vase, the Savoy Vase, by Alvar Aalto. So great.

This piece called Broadway Boogie Woogie was one I learned about in a class and I am in love with the name. There were a lot of pieces that we learned about in the museum.

Strolling around today in my tennis shoes made me feel like a tourist and I don't like standing out like that. Thanks to my investment in these shoes, most days are less touristy and more classy. I basically live in them now. Thank you Banana Republic for making beautiful, cushy shoes that match everything I own.

Wandering around the MoMA was wonderful. The slower pace was great and the temperature was refreshing after the hot, humid day. Once we emerged from the building (almost 4 hours later) we walked past Radio City Music Hall to Rockefeller Plaza for some lunch/dinner and Tri Tip Grill. Oh man the sandwich I got was meaty and amazing. I love chain restaurants in New York! While we walked through the building, I thought of Tina Fey on 30 Rock (though I don't watch that show...).
I am super tired and going to bed. Have a fabulous weekend!
so jealous. that's all i have to say.
and, that I really like the paint brush/plexiglass work too.
and, i love you!
I love love love all the posts! So happy to hear that your first week was wonderful!
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