I got a job.
It is a miracle!!! As some of you might know, this summer has been a little different for me. I tore my ACL playing tennis during my last semester of college (you may remember this post). So instead of a cool trip or a new laptop for my graduation present, I got knee surgery. Here is a very attractive picture of me at the hospital.
The worst part? The IV. Ew I do not like those one bit, except that I got my magical morphine through it. So I guess I liked it, just a little bit. I got to wear a full leg brace for three weeks. This is what my leg looked like after that.
Yeah it was kind of gross. I am currently wearing a smaller, turquoise brace and my scars are healing well but seem huge. I described them to my sister as earth worms living on my knee. Ew.
I went to a bunch of physical therapy (which really was awesome, really!) and tried to be relatively productive as I sat watching hours and hours of shows on Netflix. I am so grateful to my family who took such good care of me and for friends who would visit me, cheer me up and distract me from how slug-like I was. THANKS guys!
During this time I took up cross stitching. Best idea ever. It was empowering to create something, to do something even though I couldn't do a lot of other things. I made this for my sister and her fiance. And I finished this a few weeks ago.
It's a Harry Potter cross stitch!!!!!!! Two of my favorite things together!!!!
Alright, alright. After that huge tangent, let's get back to the fact that I HAVE A JOB! Once I finally accepted the fact that I needed to start my career, make money, and grow up (not quite accepted that) I started seriously looking for jobs. A friend told me about an interior design job posting on Craig's list, so I sent them my resume and a link to my portfolio "website". I had an interview and they called me two days later to offer me the job (this is their website if you want to check them out).
When I write it out like that, it seems very fast and easy and painless. It, in fact, was not. Ask my parents and my sisters and their husbands who were all with me in McCall as I agonized over this. I had another job offer in Utah, so did I want to move there to live with my sister and her family? Did I want to live with my parents in Boise? Did I want to keep looking? Did I want to move somewhere else and apply for jobs there, where ever there was? Did I want to hole up in my room, not venturing to the outside world except for meals? I can answer that last question with a resounding yes. I prayed and prayed and talked to my family and prayed and whined to my friends and prayed and prayed. And I decided. Lesson learned: make decisions. Do it.
Conclusion: I have a job. I start the 27th. I am officially living with my parents. I'm staying in Boise. I have made decisions. Fhew.
Now I'm going to go reserve Hunger Games at Redbox and bake brownies. I love not working just yet!
I have a couple things: a) Your crossstitch is so great I giggled aloud. b) Is that draco's mother on the right? c) I dont think your scars look bad big. They are good big. d) they are also on your knee. everyone has knee scars. e) uncongrats on getting a job not in Seattle. f) supercongrats for getting a job!
Congrats on getting a job and getting all healed up! I'm so excited for you, and excited that you shared your blog on facebook! I'm a new follower!
Congrats on the job!!! I feel your pain. Looking for a job sucks... Sorry about your ACL as well but I LOVE the harry potter cross stitch haha Love keeping up with you via blog :D You should follow mine too! I am just starting up as a blogger and am trying to figure it all out! girlandthegeek.blogspot.com
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