Disclaimer: Since I have been sporadic in the timing of my posts, I will also be sporadic in the contents of my posts.

Thought #1: Internship
The majority of my thoughts now revolve around around my internship in New York City which I leave for in a week! While it's basically glorified slave labor for school credit, it's with a really great company:
Kemble Interiors. And it's in New York. Did I mention that?

Thought #2: Packing for said internship
I'll be there for three months and everything I need must fit into two suitcases, one carry-on, and one personal item. Therefore, a packing list is a necessity and it must be a very detailed one. Right now, the only thing I have listed is all of the shoes I need to bring. I can hear my Dad say, "You'll need a whole suitcase just for your shoes!" Thanks Dad.
All I know is that I want to look as classy as Kate Winslet as I stroll through the streets of the city.

Thought #3: Getting everything I need to pack
Speaking of shoes, I've been dreaming of the Bensimon ones above for walking around (in a summer dress of course). But I need tennis shoes more because I've actually been using mine to work out and they're pretty tired. Since I don't have a bottomless budget, I need to weed out the "necessities" from the "I really want and think I need but when I think a little more I don't actually need but still really really want." Do you know the feeling?

Thought #4: The Subway
I need to figure this out to get to work.

Thought #5: The Beatles
Surprise surprise, I'm thinking about the Beatles. I officially have all (minus one or two) of their albums and have been listening to them almost constantly. A few weeks ago at a little reunion with my friends, we watched A Hard Day's Night and Help! I thought I loved them before, but somehow that love has grown.

Thought #6: Blog
Since I'll be in a new and exciting place, I feel it's something I should blog about. Although I'm horrible about being consistent with posting, I'm going to try. The goal is to take lots of pictures and have fun adventures to tell.

Thought #7: Everything else (which is about as random as this awesome pictures)
Do I have enough money to live for this summer and for the next year at school?
Buy music with my iTunes gift cards...but what? The Honey Trees for sure!
What will I do when I graduate in April?
Plan a trip somewhere foreign (but most likely lack the funds to do so)
Eat lunch and see a movie by myself (something I've never done)
Bike ride to the farmer's market Saturday morning
Pinterest...I'm obsessed
And a bunch of other things that no one else really needs to know (or cares to). Thanks for reading!