Monday, March 21, 2011

This made my day.

Usually I like rainy days. Usually I don't mind Mondays too much. Rainy Mondays combined with class at 7:45, started my week off a little roughly.

This gorgeous picture reminded me that little things in life, like pretty flowers, make sleepy rainy Mondays bearable. I have to remind myself that I'm trying to be positive.

On a happier note, I am three days sugar sober. Woo hoo! And today I got a bunch of compliments about my dress I wore. It's amazing what a kind word and a smile can do. Thanks, friends, for helping me feel pretty.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's been a long week...

With the time change, every day has been a struggle to get out of bed. I hardly fix my hair. Doing my homework consists of staring at my list of things to do. My diet is 85% sugary stuffs. Needless to say, I've been feeling a bit pathetic.

But, the week is coming to an end and that means a new week with a new start. Some goals I have:

1. Get up when my alarm goes off, not 30 minutes (or an hour) later.
2. Work out (walking up the stairs in the Clarke does not count).
3. Make some headway on getting an internship as in have interviews!
4. Don't go out to eat and instead, eat things like fruits and veggies.
5. Stop complaining because life really is great right now.

And finally, the BIG goal. Not just for this week, but until school gets out (and maybe even longer)...

No more sweets! No more cupcakes from the Cocoa Bean. No more five chocolate chip cookies in less than 15 minutes (no matter how healthy my friend says they are). No more pie, cake, or ice cream. No more sweets! I need to be a rhino and charge at my goals!

We can have mid-March resolutions, right?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


There is something magical about huts, specifically writing huts. My friend posted about them on her blog. This is Roald Dahl's writing hut, The Gipsy House. Love the yellow door.
And this is the hut of Dylan Thomas, the poet. I could almost write poetry in this space! Almost.
Great things are created in great places. That's one of the reasons why I'm an interior designer.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh the Beatles

John's teeth, Paul's wink, George's weird faces, and Ringo's tambourine skills make this video amazing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I hope you enjoy beautiful images that make me happy.

The Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe. Possibly my favorite house ever.

Framed artwork.

The Beatles.

The Kaufman House by Richard Neutra.

A photo my friend sent me of what to do with an abandoned door.